Last updated : 09-03-2023
Please read this End - User License Agreement ( " Agreement " ) carefully before clicking the " I Agree " button to install RaamSetu Mobile App ( " Application " ) . This Agreement is a legal agreement between " You " and RAAMSETU AGROTECH PRIVATE LIMITED. By clicking the " I Agree " button for downloading , accessing or using or otherwise taking any step to install the Application , you are agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement . If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement , you may not install or download or grant permission to access or otherwise use the Application
- RaamSetu is a mobile application for e-auction of agricultural commodities.
- Application Users refers to a Farmer , Traders , Agents or any person or entity that has downloaded this Application .
- User Rights
- RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited hereby grants to you a revocable , non exclusive , non - transferable , limited rights under copyright to download , install and use the Application during the term of this Agreement for the sole purpose of User for personal and agricultural commodity trading and strictly in accordance with the terms of this Agreement .
- You agree to the following
( i ) to use Application solely for your personal use ,
( ii ) not to License , sell , rent , lease , assign , distribute , transmit host , outsource , disclose or otherwise commercially exploit the Application or make the application available to the third party.
( iii ) to not use the Application for any fraudulent , unlawful or illegal activity or in any way that could harm the Application or impair anyone else's use of it or a wireless network or to try to gain unauthorized access to any service , data , account or network by any means .
- User also agrees that you shall not
( i ) reproduce , modify , distribute , transfer , disclose , or make available to any third party any portion of the Application ( or any related user manuals , documentation , screenshots or prints ) in any form ;
( ii ) reverse engineer , decompile , disassemble , or otherwise attempt to derive the source code for the Application ; or
( iii ) publish any performance or benchmark tests or analyses relating to the Application or the use thereof . Notwithstanding the foregoing , decompiling the Application is permitted to the extent the laws of the jurisdiction where you are located give you the right to do so to obtain information necessary to render the Application interoperable with other Application and
( iv ) to preserve all copyright and other proprietary rights notices on the Application and all copies thereof .
- During the term , RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited reserves the right to modify , suspend or discontinue , temporarily or permanently , the Application or any service to which it connects , with or without notice and without liability to you from time to time . RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited may , in its sole discretion , notify you that it has released an updated version of the Application . Upon your receipt of such notification , you agree to download the Updated Application and to use the Updated Application instead of the prior version . Any Updated Application shall also be considered " Application " for purposes of this Agreement .
- You acknowledge that the application provided may contain bugs and errors . The Application provided to you " as is " and any use of the Application is at your own risk . To the extent legally permitted under the applicable law , RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited disclaims all warranties , whether express , implied or statutory , including without limitation , any implied warranties of title , non - infringement of third party rights , merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose . Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclution of implied warranties , so the above limitations may not apply to you.
- This Agreement shall remain in effect from the time you click the button or accept the Agreement in the event you download or until terminated by you or RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited .
- RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited may , in its sole discretion , at any time and for any or no reason , suspend or terminate this Agreement with or without prior notice .
- RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited is not liable for any direct , indirect or consequential loss or damage incurred by any User in connection with this Application or in connection with the use , inability to use , or results of the use of our Application , any websites linked to it and any materials posted on it , including , without limitation any liability for : loss of income or revenue , loss of business , loss of profits or contracts , loss of anticipated savings , loss of data , loss of goodwill , wasted management or office time .
- This Agreement shall terminate immediately , without prior notice from RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited , in the event that you fails to comply with any provision of this Agreement . You may also terminate this Agreement by deleting the Application and all copies thereof from your mobile device or from your desktop . The mode of termination by RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited shall be dis - continuation of service .
- Upon termination of this Agreement , you shall cease all use of the Application and delete all copies of the Application from your mobile device or desktop .
- In the event of a termination of this Agreement , those sections that by their nature are intended by the parties to survive shall survive and continue in effect to the extent necessary to protect the rights of the parties .
- All Information collected or shared by the User shall be used for the relevant lawful purposes connected with various functions or activities of the RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited related to services in which the Concerned Person is interested , and / or to help determine the eligibility of the Concerned Persons for the product / services requested / applied / shown interest in and / or to enable RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited the Covered Persons verification and / or process applications , requests , transactions and / or maintain records as per internal / legal / regulatory requirements and shall be used to provide the Concerned Person with the best possible services / products as also to protect interests of RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited
- The Information shall not be shared with any external organization unless the same is necessary to protect the interests of the RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited or to enable RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited to provide you services or to enable the completion / compilation of a transaction , credit reporting , or the same is necessary or required pursuant to applicable RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited norms or pursuant to the terms and conditions applicable to such Information as agreed to with RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited or pursuant to any requirement Government / court / other of or ny law / regulations relevant au ' S directions / orders .as agreed to with RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited or pursuant to any requirement or any of law / regulations relevant Government / court / other authority's directions / orders . Needless to add , confidentiality norms as applicable to RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited shall be adhered to .RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited may also share Information to provide you with superior services and a range of offers.
- RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited may also share your Information , without obtaining your prior written consent , with government agencies mandated under the law to obtain information for the purpose of verification of identity , or for prevention , detection , investigation including cyber incidents , prosecution , and punishment of offences , or where disclosure is necessary for compliance of a legal obligation . Any Information may be required to be disclosed to any third party by us by an order under the law for the time being in force
- In this regard , it may be necessary to disclose the Covered Persons information to one or more agents and contractors of RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited and their sub - contractors , but such agents , contractors , and sub - contractors shall be required to agree to use the information obtained from RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited only for these purposes pr 7.5 Information provided by you are retai later of the ) ( i ) as long as the purposes fo such data were collected continue .
- Information provided by you are retained ( for later of the )
( i ) as long as the purposes for which such data were collected continue . Or
( ii ) for such period so as to satisfy legal , regulatory or accounting requirements or to protect RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited's interests
- The accuracy of the Information provided to us on the Website is essential , among others , to provision of our products and services to you . It is therefore a term and condition governing the access and use of the Website that you undertake to ensure the accuracy and completeness of all Information disclosed , shared , exchanged or otherwise update and notify the RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited via e - mail at respective Mandis / staff at Mandis of any changes in the Information
- The Covered Persons authorizes RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited to exchange , share , part with all information related to the details and transaction history of the Covered Persons to its Affiliates / RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited/ financial institutions / credit bureaus / agencies / participation in any telecommunication or electronic clearing network as may be required by law , customary practice , credit reporting , statistical analysis and credit scoring , verification or risk management or any of the aforesaid purposes and shall not hold RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited liable for use or disclosure of this information
- The Covered Persons shall not disclose to any other person , in any manner whatsoever , any information relating to RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited or its Affiliates of a confidential nature obtained in the course of availing the services through the website . Failure to comply with this obligation shall be deemed a serious breach of the terms herein and shall entitle RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited or its Affiliates to terminate the services , without prejudice to any damages , to which the Covered Persons may be entitled otherwise . 7.9 RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited also may disclose information about you as permitted or required by law 7.10 RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited values your relationship and shall at all times strive to ensure your privacy
- You agree that to the extent legally permitted under the applicable law , RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to you , your customers or third parties caused by failure of the Application to function . In no event shall RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited be liable for any special , consequential , exemplary , incidental , or indirect damages ( including , without limitation , those resulting from lost profits , cost of substitute goods , lost data or business interruption ) in connection with the use of the Application or in connection with any other claim arising from this Agreement . Nothing in this Agreement shall limit or exclude RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited's liability for gross negligence or intentional misconduct of RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited or its agents or employees , or for death or personal injury . Applicable law may not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages , so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you . If the buyer finds any defect in the goods during the quality verification done by himself at the time of delivery and deducts the payment by giving proper validations and proofs then the seller will be responsible and will bear the payment deduction charges by himself and will be given strike on their account or can be banned from using the platform, in this condition RaamSetu will not bear any charge for payment deduction.
- You acknowledge that RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited , is responsible for addressing any claim you or any third party may have relating to the Application or information and / or use of the Application , including but not limited to :
( i ) product liability claims ;
( ii ) any claim that the Application fails to conform to any applicable legal or regulatory requirement ; and
( iii ) claims arising under consumer protection or similar legislation .
- Severability : If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable or invalid , such provision Ishall be changed and interpreted to accomplish the objectives of such provision to the greatest extent Possible under applicable law and the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect .
- No Assignment : This Agreement , and your rights and obligations herein , may not be assigned , subcontracted , delegated , or otherwise transferred by you without RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited's prior written consent , and any attempted assignment , act , delegation , or transfer in violation of the foregoing shall be null and void . The terms of this Agreement shall be binding upon assignees .
- Waiver : Any waiver or failure to enforce any other provision or of such provision on any other occasion .
- Feedback : In the event that you provide RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited with feedback regarding the use , operation or functionality of the Application ( " Feedback " ) , including but not limited to information about operating results , known or suspected bugs , errors or compatibility problems , or desired features , you hereby assign to RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited all rights in the Feedback and agree that RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited shall have the right to use the Feedback and related information in any manner it deems appropriate .
- Governing Law : This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the India without giving effect to any conflict of laws principles that may provide the application of the law of another jurisdiction . The RaamSetu Agrotech Private Limited may , from time to time , change its policy . CONTACT INFORMATION : If you have any questions about this Agreement , please contact us .